A light was shining from a house next door,
And I felt God's presence as never before.
It was like His presence was slowly coming in,
And this is when God's presence truly began.
I felt God's presence as it flowed through me.
And I knew my Savior was near, even though it was Jesus I could not see.
Unbelievable! Is what I thought,
but I felt His presence, but I could not talk.
I smiled thinking I've felt this before.
It was on a Sunday at church and I wanted this feeling to last more and more.
Then I began to speak in an unknown tongue, praising my Lord as loud as can be.
Praising the one who died on the old rugged cross, and from sin, set me free.
Then I realized I felt God's Holy Spirit, more wonderful than anything I felt before.
I realized it was Jesus.
Oh, how I want Him more and more.

My dear grandmother wrote this poem on two paper plates. My family and I found it while sorting through some of her belongings. She is currently living in a nursing home, and has lost her ability to write poetry now.
Throughout my childhood she had always been writing poetry. Her poems are the one thing of hers that I truly treasure, and feel a deep connection too.
Even though her mind has now grown feeble, I am comforted in knowing that her heart for the Lord still beasts strong. For one's soul for the Lord can never be crushed.