Every Sunday is a battle. As we arrive in the parking lot, before we have even parked, my son has started making his protests of not wanting to be at church.
"I don't want to go to big school!" he grumbles. His lower lip often poking out.
My son is only three and for him he can't tell much of a difference between his days at the daycare and his time at Sunday School. So even though I have told him time again that on Sunday we go to church, "big school" is still what he currently calls it.
Now, I understand that most of his protest is due to the fact that he doesn't want to be separated from mom and dad. And the other part of it is that he would rather play with his cars at home verses sharing a toy with another toddler.
But no matter the long laborious mornings, we do it anyway.
Sometimes, Asher will ask, "Why are we going to church?" And I absolutely love answering this question. I simply tell him, "Mommy and daddy worship God because He created everything good and so we want to honor Him."
That response is usually followed up with another "Why?" question.
I then calmly respond by saying, "God is important to Mommy and Daddy, and that we want to worship God."
And by golly, saying it out loud does my heart so much good. To say out loud-to proclaim His goodness and the reason of why we worship Him. I welcome the "why" questions every time he asks.
And even though for now, my son hates going to church. I rest in the confidence that one day he won't.
One day, he will see his mommy and daddy's response to God in a new light. One day he'll get to decide for himself why he goes to church.
And hopefully, because Caleb and I have faithfully laid a foundation of faith, his answer will be "Yes, I will worship" too.